amin Posted: 23 Nov 2018 02:04 AM PST 1 AMIN 1. Công thức tổng quát của amin no, đơn chức, mạch hở có dạng là A.C n H 2n+3 N. B. C n H 2n+2+k N k . C. C n H 2n+3 NH 2 . D. C n H 2n +1 N. 2. Trong các amin sau : (A) C H 3 CH(CH 3 )NH 2 ; (B) H 2 NCH 2 CH 2 NH 2 ; (D) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 NHCH 3 Chọn các amin bậc 2 và gọi đúng tên? A. A : propylamin. B. A và B ; A : isopropylamin ; B : 1,2-etanđiamin. C. D : metylpropylamin. D. B : 1,2- điaminopropan 3. Trong các chất dưới đây, c hất nào là amin bậc 1 ? A. H 2 N(CH 2 ) 6 NH 2 . B. CH 3 CH(CH 3 )NH 2 . C. CH 3 NHCH 3 . D. C 6 H 5 NH 2 . 4. Ancol và amin nào sau đây cùng bậc ? A. (CH 3 ) 3 COH và (CH 3 ) 3 N. B. CH 3 CH(NH 2 )CH 3 và CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 . C. (CH 3 ) 2 NH và CH 3 OH. D. (CH 3 ) 2 CHOH và (CH 3 ) 2 CH-NH 2 . 5. Có bao nhiêu chất đồng phân có cùng công thức phân tử C 4 H 11 N ? A. 4. B. 6. C. 7. D. 8. 6. Trong các tên gọi dưới đây , tên nào phù hợp với chất CH 3 CH(CH 3 )NH 2 ? A. metyletylamin. B. etylmetylamin. C. isopropanamin. D. isopropylamin. 7. Trong các tên gọi dưới đây , tên nào phù hợp với chất C 6 H 5 CH 2 NH 2 ? A. phenylamin. B. benzylamin. C. anilin. D. phenylmetylamin. 8. Để làm sạch lọ thuỷ tinh đựng anilin người ta dùng hoá chất nào sau đây ? A. Dung dịch NaOH. B. HCl. C. Nước brom. D.Dung dịch phenolphtalein. 9. Metylamin không phản ứng với chất nào sau đây? A. HCl. B. H 2 SO 4 . C. NaOH. D. Quỳ tím. 10. Dãy gồm các chất đều làm quỳ tím ẩm chuyển sang màu xanh là A. anilin, metyl amin, amoniac B.amoni clorua, metyl amin, natri hidroxit C. anilin, aminiac, natri hidroxit D. metyl amin , amoniac, kalihiđroxit. 11. Để tái tạo lại an ilin từ dung dịch phenyl amoniclorua phải dùng dung dịch chất nào sau đây : A. Dung dịch HCl B. Dung dịch NaOH C. Dung dịch Br 2 D. Cả A, B, C 12. Có thể dùng hóa chất nào sau đây để rửa sạch lọ đã đựng anilin? A. H 2 O. B. dd NaOH. C. dd HCl. D. Thuốc tím. 13. Chất khô ng làm đổi màu quì tím ẩm là A. CH 3 COOH. B. CH 3 NH 2 . C. C 2 H 5 NH 2 . D. C 6 H 5 NH 2 . 14. Phát biểu nà o sai? A. Amin càng nhiều nguyên tử C trong phân tử thì nhiệt độ sôi càng cao. B. Các amin đều độc và dễ tan trong nước. C. Metylamin, đimetylamin, trimetylamin là những chất khí, mùi khai. D. Anilin là chất lỏng, không màu nhưng để lâu trong không khí thì hóa đen. 15. Khẳng định nào sai? A. Trong phân tử anilin, gốc phenyl làm giảm lực bazơ của nhóm amino. B. Trong phân tử metylamin, gốc metyl làm tăng lực bazơ của nhóm amino. C. Nhờ ảnh hưởng của nhóm amino, anilin dễ cho phản ứng với dung dịch brom. D. Nhờ ảnh hưởng của gốc phenyl, anilin có lực bazơ mạnh hơn amoniac. 16. Giải pháp nàp sau đây không hợp lí? A. Rửa lọ đựng anilin bằng axit. B. Khử mùi tanh của cá bằng giấm ăn. C. Phân biệt dd CH 3 NH 2 và dd NH 3 bằng quỳ tím. D. Phân biệt anilin và metylamin bằng quì tím ẩm. Câu hỏi lý thuyết & bài tập amin- Căn bản 2
17. Phát biểu nào sau đây đúng? A. Anilin có khả năng làm quì tím hóa xanh. B. Anilin trong nước thành dung dịch bazơ mạnh. C. Anilin có lực bazơ mạnh hơn amoniac. D. Anilin có khả năng làm mất màu dung dịch brom. 18. Kết quả so sánh lực bazơ nào sau đây đúng? A. CH 3 NH 2 < NH 3 . B. C 6 H 5 NH 2 > NH 3 . C. NaOH < NH 3 . D. C 6 H 5 NH 2 < CH 3 NH 2 . 19. Sắp xếp các amin theo thứ tự bậc amin tăng dần : etylmetylamin (1) ; etylđimetylamin (2) ; isopropylamin (3). A. (1), (2), (3). B. (2), (3),(1). C. (3), (1), (2). D. (3), (2), (1). 20. Chọn c hất có lực bazơ mạnh nhất trong các chất sau: A. anilin. B. điphenylamin. C. amoniac. D. metylamin. 21. Chọn c hất có lực bazơ yếu nhất trong các chất sau: A. anilin. B. đimetylamin. C. etylamin. D. metylamin. 22. Lực bazơ tăng theo thứ tự nào sau đây? A. CH 3 NH 2 < NH 3 < C 6 H 5 NH 2 . B. NH 3 < CH 3 NH 2 < C 6 H 5 NH 2 . C.C 6 H 5 NH 2 < NH 3 < CH 3 NH 2 . D. C 6 H 5 NH 2 < CH 3 NH 2 < NH 3 . 23. Hợp chất Y là một amin đơn chức chứa 19,18% N theo khối lượng. Y có công thức phân tử là A.C 4 H 5 N B.C 4 H 7 N C.C 4 H 9 N D.C 4 H 11 N 24. Đốt ch áy một amin X đơn chức no, thu được và có tỉ lệ số mol nCO 2 :nH 2 O = 2:5 . Amin X có tên gọi là: A.Etyl amin B. Metyl etyl amin C. Trimetyl amin D.Metyl amin. 25. Đốt hoàn toàn 5,9 gam amin no-đơn-hở X thì thu được 1,12 lít N 2 (đktc). X có bao nhiêu đồng phân? A. 2. B. 4. C. 8. D. 3. 26. Để trun g hòa 50 ml dd metyl amin cần 40 ml dd HCl 0,1 M . C M của metyl amin đã dùng là A.0,08M B.0,04M C.0,02M D.0,06M 27. Để trung hòa 250 ml dd metylamin xM cần dùng 500 ml dd HCl 0,5M. Giá trị của x là A. 0,5. B. 1. C. 0,75. D. 0,6. 28. Để trung hòa 200 ml dd H 2 SO 4 0,2M cần dùng bao nhiêu ml dung dịch metylamin 0,1M? A. 400 ml. B. 200 ml. C. 800 ml. D. 300 ml. 29. Trung hòa 200 ml dung dịch metylamin 1M bằng dung dịch HCl sẽ tạo ra bao nhiêu gam muối? A. 13,5 gam. B. 27 gam. C. 5,4 gam. D. 3,1 gam. 30. Trung hòa V ml dung dịch metylamin 0,2M bằng dung dịch HCl thì tạo ra 16,2 gam muối. Giá trị của V là A. 1200. B. 120. C. 60. D. 600. 31. 300gam dung dịch anilin tác dụng với nước brom thì thu được 9,9gam kết tủa trắng. Nồng độ phần trăm của anilin trong dung dịch là A. 0,02%. B. 0,0372%. C. 0,93%. D. 7,32%. 32. Cho các dung dịch: C 6 H 5 NH 2 (anilin), CH 3 NH 2 , NaOH, C 2 H 5 OH và H 2 NCH 2 COOH. Trong các dung dịch trên, số dung dịch có thể làm đổi màu phenolphtalein là A. 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 |
Here are our favorite Dyson products Posted: 22 Nov 2018 07:02 PM PST Dyson doesn't just make high-end vacuums anymore. The company branched into other categories a while ago. Started by James Dyson back in 1991, the British company has since created several household products that innovate through the use of air. Its current line includes fans, air purifiers, hair dryers, and even a hair styling device. Here's a list of our favorite Dyson products that would make great holiday gifts. Each are solid contenders for the "gift that keeps on giving" award. Pure Cool Air PurifierThis device isn't for everyone, but it's rife with benefits that anyone can use. The Pure Cool Air Purifier is similar to the other tall oval like fans that Dyson has become known for. This one's different, though – not only can it blow out cool air, but it can also clean the air. From smog to pollen, it can help take impurities out of the air to help you breathe better. If you suffer from allergies or have issues with the air quality inside your home, you might want to add it to your holiday wishlist. Plus, it isn't a home appliance you need to constantly ping. It's app connected, but after setup, you're pretty much golden – that is, until you have to replace the filter.
Sure, a regular old blow dryer gets the job done, but it's nowhere near as cool as the Dyson Supersonic Blow Dryer. It's a lot more expensive than a traditional dryer at $399.99, but there's good reason for that.
Unlike regular hair dryers that turn up the heat without much regulation, the Supersonic intelligently metes out heated air in a much safer way. It doesn't burn your hair and works to minimize damage. It also looks really sleek, with an aluminum finish that comes in several colors.
The most recent product from Dyson is a reinvention of the curling iron. Rather than making the user wait for it to heat up and risk injury, the AirWrap uses air to curl hair. Yes, it pushes out air to curl your hair. It may sound crazy, but it's actually really cool.
While we've had mixed results, it's definitely a viable option for anyone with luscious locks looking for a new way to style them. It's pricey, with a price tag close to $499. But the tech inside is as high-end as it comes, as it can blow air at 110,000 RPM.
Dyson Cycle V10
Of course, no Dyson gift guide is complete without an actual vacuum – it's the category that put the company on the map, after all. The Dyson Cyclone V10 is an expensive and excellent handheld vacuum. It packs a punch with its proprietary technology.
Like all other Dyson vacuums, it's a bagless unit. That means no-mess clean-ups, and less costly bag purchases. Even better, thanks to different nozzle attachments, it can also work as an upright vacuum in addition to acting as a handheld.
See Also: Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial |
Pinch us, we're dreaming: The 8-quart Instant Pot LUX is on sale for $59 for Black Friday Posted: 22 Nov 2018 06:39 PM PST If you missed out on Walmart's great deal on the 6-quart Instant Pot LUX back in July, we'll do you one better: The 8-quart model is on sale for Black Friday and it's only $59. The 6-in-1 Instant Pot LUX usually goes for $99.99, which means you'll be saving $40 on the largest model in the LUX line. Somebody pinch us because we're dreaming. SEE ALSO: Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free TrialThe Instant Pot LUX programmable cooker is the most "basic" of the Instant Pot fam — though basic is far from accurate considering the number of things this puppy does. The LUX combines the functions of six appliances: It's a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, warmer, and sauté pan, and is one of two Instant Pots that does not make yogurt. But like, who needs to make yogurt that often, anyway? It also features 12 built-in smart programs: Bean/chili, meat/stew, soup/broth, sauté, poultry, steam, congee, multigrain, rice, pressure cook, warm, and slow cook (which are also available in all other models). Regularly $99.99, you can save $40 and snag the Instant Pot LUX for $59 during Walmart's epic Black Friday sale here. (Confused about the difference between all of the Instant Pot models? So is everyone else. Check out our "Which Instant Pot should you buy?" guide here.) Instant Pot LUX 6-quart — $59 |
Black Friday 2018: Save up to $100 on select Sonos wireless speakers at Amazon Posted: 22 Nov 2018 06:31 PM PST If you want to give the gift of amazing home audio, then Black Friday and Cyber Week are your best chances to save with this amazing sale on Sonos speakers that's designed to bring your music, podcasts, and movies to life. Sonos is offering up to $100 off three of their top smart speakers for the shopping holiday. You can save on the Sonos One for the bedroom, living room or kitchen, the Sonos Beam to boost the audio on your TV, and the Sonos Sub for home audio receivers and speakers. All of these speakers from Sonos that are on sale for Black Friday are completely wireless via Bluetooth, as well as internet enabled, so you can connect them to smartphones, laptops, and even each other for deeper and richer audio experiences throughout your home. If you're struggling to listen to what's on TV, or you'd like to fill your home with music and podcasts, then Sonos might be a good solution for you, or as a gift for the holidays. This sale runs through Nov. 26, 2018, so take advantage of these deals before they go away. Sonos One — $174.00 (list price $199.00)
Get the most out of your audio with the Sonos One, an all-in-one device that works as a powerful Bluetooth speaker and smart home hub with Amazon Alexa voice assistant. Sync your iOS or Android device to play music from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, and SiriusXM, or control all of your smart home devices with just your voice. Save $25 on the Sonos One for Black Friday with the sales price of $174.00. Sonos Beam — $349.00 (list price $399.00)
Want an immersive movie watching experience at home? The Sonos Beam is a world-class soundbar that transforms the muddy audio from a TV into a detailed and rich listening experience. This Sonos is also smart, so you can use your voice to control your TV and attached streaming devices via Amazon Alexa for completely hands-free use. The Sonos Beam is also Apple compatible for Apple AirPlay for iOS devices like the iPhone XS and the Apple iPad Pro. You can save $50 on the Sonos Beam and get one for $349 Sonos Sub — $599.00 (list price $699.00)
Bring your entire Sonos collection together with the Sonos Sub. This is one of the very few smart subwoofers with rich audio for a detailed and heart-thumping listening experience. The speaker doesn't require a cabinet, thanks to Sonos' force-cancelling speaker drivers for face-to-face positioning that offers deep bass with zero rattling or buzz. Save $100 on the Sonos Sub for Black Friday and pick one up for just $599 SEE ALSO: Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial |
Amazon doesn't have much to say about its customer data leak Posted: 22 Nov 2018 06:07 PM PST
Amazon thinks it's already said more than enough, thank you very much. Starting on Nov. 20, the Seattle-based behemoth began notifying an unknown number of customers via email that, well, something had happened to their data. Specifically, that those customers' names and email addresses had been "disclosed." But anything beyond that? Haha wouldn't you like to know. The company declined to comment when asked by Hocdethi how many customers were affected, what caused the leak, when the leak was discovered, when it was fixed, and to whom or to what the customer data was disclosed. What Amazon did tell customers isn't very helpful at getting to the bottom of this data leak mystery. "We're contacting you to let you know that our website inadvertently disclosed your email address due to a technical glitch," read one such notification posted to Twitter. The Register confirmed that the contents of the email are genuine. The email went on to explain that "there is no need for you to change your password or take any other action." An Amazon spokesperson told Mashable over email that the company had "fixed the issue and informed customers who may have been impacted." However, the spokesperson declined to elaborate on just what exactly the "issue" was. That Amazon won't tell customers how it exposed their data doesn't reflect well on a company that wants to put a live microphone in those same customers' homes. |
Apple restarts iPhone X production following weak iPhone XS and XS Max sales, report says Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:56 PM PST We didn't see this coming! Apple is restarting production of the iPhone X due to weak sales of the iPhone XS and XS Max, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Both the iPhone XS and XS Max debuted in September to much ballyhoo, and both phones have received favorable reviews; however, it seems that now the newest iPhones are not selling quite as fast as Apple originally projected. This surprising development comes just days after Apple reportedly cut production orders for all three 2018 iPhone models (i.e. the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR). The decision to restart iPhone X production is due in part to an agreement Apple made with Samsung to purchase a certain amount of OLED display panels, according to the WSJ. Apple is also reportedly using the iPhone X to make up for lost sales of the iPhone XS and XS Max. The report claims that the older iPhone model is cheaper to produce because the components and manufacturing equipment are now older and therefore cheaper. Nonetheless, the decision is a little strange because, in January, Apple cut production of the iPhone X in half from 40 million to only 20 million units. Major markets in the U.S., China, and Europe were to blame for the sluggish sales after an initial buzz following the iPhone X's release in Nov. 2017. But Apple has been especially challenged by the iPhone XR model's weak sales. In late October, Apple cut its production plan by about one third according to a separate Wall Street Journal report. Now, Apple is slashing the price of the iPhone XR in Japan to boost sales. Still, even with all of its recent woes, Apple remains one of the strongest brands in the world. A recent survey found that Apple customers are some of the most loyal of any tech brand, with many upgrading to newer iPhones when theirs become old. But a big question remains for the smartphone giant: Is anyone compelled to buy the new models? |
Trump calls midterms a ‘TREMENDOUS VICTORY’ in interview with Chris Wallace [Full video] Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:52 PM PST Chris Wallace is one of the best in the business of interviewers, and he brings his a-game to this interview of President Trump.
Pathetic liberal loser ATTACKS Trump supporters at CNN hq Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:52 PM PST Another liberal attack on Trump supporters was caught on video over the weekend, but it's almost laughable because the guy is so pathetic. Watch below:
Apparently this is at a protest against CNN offices in Atlanta, Georgia. The pathetic liberal loser was arrested for disorderly conduct, even though the Trump supporter he attacked declined to press charges. While the attack is heinous and cowardly, I also worry about a generation of pathetic men who don't even know how to throw a punch. Sheesh. |
Judge BLOCKS Trump proclamation on migrant mob Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:52 PM PST A judge appointed by Obama has blocked Trump's proclamation on the migrant mob that said if they cross illegally they won't be eligible for asylum.
Of course: FOX NEWS – A federal judge in San Francisco on Monday barred the Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross the southern border illegally, likely prompting a legal challenge from the White House. Trump issued a proclamation on Nov. 9 that said anyone who crossed the southern border would be ineligible for asylum. U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar, who was nominated by President Obama in 2012 to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, issued a temporary restraining order after hearing arguments in San Francisco. The request was made by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Constitutional Rights, which quickly sued after President Trump issued the ban this month in response to the caravans of migrants that have started to arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border. Baher Azmy, a lawyer for the Center for Constitutional Rights, said, "Individuals are entitled to asylum if they cross between ports of entry. It couldn't be clearer." An estimated 70,000 people a year claim asylum between official ports of entry, including in the Arizona desert and on the north bank of the Rio Grande in Texas, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Migrants who cross illegally are generally arrested and often seek asylum or some other form of protection. Everything Trump does gets challenged by the courts. And I would expect that the DOJ to challenge this decision in the courts pretty soon, especially given that the migrant mob is already at the border. |
BOOM! Florida Democratic Party under investigation for ELECTION FRAUD Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:52 PM PST Remember when we told you about the 'cure' affidavit forms sent out by Florida Democrats AFTER the election deadline, in hopes they could convince a judge to accept the forms anyway? Well they are now under investigation for election fraud:
WCTV – Democrats conceded in the races for U.S. Senate and governor, but not before Florida asked federal authorities to investigate possible election fraud conducted by the party. The U.S. Department of Justice declined, but the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Office of Statewide Prosecution say they have an opened a criminal investigation into the allegations. Evidence reported to the Department of State suggests a possible effort by Democrats to have voters fix ballots after the state's deadline in at least four counties. Cure forms for mail ballots sent to voters by the party show the return date changed from the day before the election to two days afterwards. Democratic strategist Steve Schale says it was likely just a mix up. "Some 23-year-old staffer probably got two dates mixed up," said Schale. "They put the date down for the provisional ballot cure, not the absentee ballot cure, and actually by doing it, all they did was make it harder for their own voters to vote."
Those 23-year-old staffers are so stupid…they mix up stuff all the time! Yeah, right. Give me a break. Republicans point to the fact Democrats successfully sued to extend the deadline after the fact. "It looks like they were just planning on a judge siding with them because of the bias towards trying to allow as many votes as possible to count that were legally cast," said Eric Eggers, author of the book Fraud. "It's the first evidence we have of systemic efforts to undercut or subvert election law as it was on the book." Supervisors of elections who brought the changed forms to the state's attention say even if it was just a mix up, official elections forms should never have been altered. Exactly. What business did they have altering official election forms in the first place if they weren't trying to commit some kind of election fraud. It's ridiculous on its face to pawn it off as a careless mistake by some no-name 23-year-old. |
Nancy Pelosi is in SERIOUS trouble… Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:52 PM PST Last week we reported on a group of 17 that were going to release a letter stating they would not vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Well they released it, but it turns out to be only 15. 15 happens to be the most votes that Pelosi can afford to lose if she wants to be Speaker. Any more than that and she's done. A CNN congressional reporter, hailed as one of the best in the business, explains what's going on behind the scenes and says she knows of at least 3 more Democrats who will vote against Pelosi that didn't want to be associated with the 'rebels' who signed the anti-Pelosi letter.
As I said before, whoever they get to replace Pelosi won't be any better than Pelosi, at least from our perspective. But, should that happen, it will be fun watching the old leftist get humiliated in front of her party. |